31 August 2009


My plane landed around 5:30 in the morning on a Monday. Not having slept, I managed to shuffle out of the cabin, cluster my life segregated into three rectangular boxes, and take a taxi to 143 Park Drive.

About two hours later I arrived at the Espresso Royale Cafe in Symphony; I had ventured there with my parents during our last visit. Having some time to kill before the home stores opened, I drank a large black coffee trying to assure myself that I was not on vacation nor visiting.

The remainder of the day was pretty lonely. I walked to and fro, here and there, picking up some essential goods. The reality of carrying objects without the help of a car was a quick realization that while refreshing was also a little frustrating. Most of the key elements were at Ikea, which I could not travel to without a car so I was left with bedding and some bath supplies by the end of the day. I had a comforter on top of a sheet on top of a yoga mat on top of a freshly varnished wooden floor to call my bed. After picking up some thai food around the corner along with an oversized Stella, I called it a night watching There Will Be Blood in a room of wooden floor and white walls and not much more.

26 August 2009


I just got back from the UPS store.

Three boxes are on their way to meet me in Boston, including my bicycle, Goldie!

23 August 2009

One of Many Things I Will Miss About Los Angeles


21 August 2009


Hitting the ground running:

20 August 2009

One of Many Things I Will Miss About Los Angeles

French Market Cafe

One of Many Things I Will Not Miss About Los Angeles

the 405 and 10 intersection

08 August 2009

Tufts Health Office: Don't Mess

The other day I received what was in my eyes an unnecessarily harsh email from the health offices at Tufts:

Dear Student:

We have reviewed your Health Examination report. Unfortunately, you still have outstanding required information due. This information is essential in order for Tufts University to be in compliance with the state law. This is something that Tufts University takes very seriously.

It is imperative that you submit the required data.

A non compliant status puts the entire campus community in jeopardy, as well as puts the university at risk for substantial fines. You are required to provide this information prior to attending Tufts University. Please contact Health Service at 617-***-**** or 617-***-**** if you are unsure of how to proceed.

Thank you.

Chart Review Coordinators

I ended up calling the offices to figure out what was wrong and they were completely helpful and care-free in letting me know I can just fix the issue the first week or so of school... A lesson to all of us to make sure we have checked all the boxes that have been asked to check or else a swift and brutal electronic reprimanding will follow.

05 August 2009

I am getting on board!